Frequently Asked Questions
How does Electrolysis Work?
A very fine probe, finer than a hair is inserted into a natural opening of the skin. You do not feel this. Energy is then applied for a short pulse, it kills off the supply of blood to the papilla situated at the base of the follicle.
What skin type and hair type is Suitable for Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is permanent hair removal and does not discriminate. You can have light skin, dark skin, freckled skin. You can have red hair, dark hair, blonde hair, grey hair. It can be thick hair as well as very fine hair.
Upon which parts of the body can electrolysis be commonly used?
Both women and men will seek treatment on areas all over the face and body.
What is the youngest and oldest client you have treated?
There are three hormonal reasons why you can have hair. The first being puberty, the second Pregnancy and the third Menopause. I treat all ages, although under 18 needs a parent permission and attendance at consultation.
How is electrolysis different to IPL or Laser hair removal?
Electrolysis is permanent Hair Removal. It is FDA approved as Permanent Hair Removal. Although Electrolysis treats the hairs one at a time, a good therapist works very quickly. It is precise and is so thrilling to clients when they see the results.
Laser/IPL is not permanent hair removal. It is FDA approved as Permanent Hair Reduction. It will help reduce the hairs and works best on areas that haven't seen the sun on a very fair person. Areas recommended are bikini line, under arm, and legs.
IPL/Laser will first shave the area, then use a pulse light on the area. The energy travels down the hair shaft till it gets to the base of the hair follicle. The success of the treatment is dependent on the colour of the skin (pale) and the hair (dark
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